Monday 15 June 2015

30 Days of Lolita Challenge: Final Week!

Sorry for the delay in posting these last coordinates! In the last week or so of my challenge i got really sick, i had to work most days and it was very difficult for me to put together outfits, but i pulled through and i made it to the end :)

Day 22. I used to hate brown and was very intimidated by it when i started lolita, now i can't get enough of it!

Day 23. Simple sweet coordinate.

Day 24. Chocolate!! And more brown :P

Day 25. I wanted to try pairing red with this JSK, and i am very happy with the results. I can't wait to wear this in spring!

Day 26. Sorry the photos aren't very good for this one, it was quite dark when i took them.

Day 27. I would have worn this outfit to an ice skating meetup, but sadly i got really sick so i couldn't make it.

Day 28. A cute pink otome outfit. Another one i can't wait to wear in the spring/summer. The fabric is so light and airy~

Day 29. I think gold looks so lovely with this dress. It's so versatile and can be worn as classic or sweet. I forgot legwear here due to being quite ill and forgetful.

And last of all, day 30. I wanted to make a coordinate with my new blouse! I have been trying to get more blouses and accessories in my wardrobe.

This challenge was definitely not easy, but i am glad i persisted through it and made it the whole 30 days.
I probably wouldn't do it again with how busy life is at the moment, maybe a week would be more manageable, but i am proud to say that i have done this at least once!
Hopefully it will motivate me to put more outfits together since i am not wearing lolita as much these days.
I hope you have enjoyed looking through my outfits over the month as i have enjoyed putting them together :)


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